Our school is strengthened by your involvement and support. Thank you for being "All in for MC!"


Annual Fund

Marin Catholic relies on charitable contributions and the Parent Promise to the Annual Fund to bridge the gap between tuition and the full cost of a Marin Catholic education. We rely on our entire community -- current families, alumni, alumni parents, grandparents, faculty/staff, and friends -- to support MC through the Annual Fund each and every year.  Tuition alone does not cover the full cost of an MC education, leaving an approximate $3,400 per student gap and we rely on the generosity of our community to provide unrestricted dollars to our operating budget, impacting everything at MC:  
  • Helping MC meet its most urgent needs
  • Providing support for faculty/staff and curricular development
  • Enhancing programs in the arts and athletics
  • Allowing Campus Ministry to offer life-changing student retreats
  • Funding tuition assistance
  • Keeping the lights on, and much more!
* All Annual Fund donors are celebrated in the Marin Catholic Annual Report. The Cornerstone Club and President’s Circle level donors are invited to a Christmas season dinner with the President.  Donors at the Principal’s Club level are invited to a cocktail reception in the fall with the Principal.

Grand Sponsors

Grand Sponsors make an underwriting gift over and above their Annual Fund contribution to support community events and programs, benefiting all students.  Last year's Grand Sponsors underwrote such events as the Spring Auction, Boosters Crab Feed, Faith & Fatherhood Event, and the Art Extravaganza. This fund also helped to reduce ticket costs for the Junior and Senior Proms.

Grand Sponsors may also receive these perks if they choose:
  • Special recognition on MC event websites, materials, and invitations
  • Exclusive listing in the Honor Roll of Donors in the Annual Report
  • Invitation for two at the President’s Dinner - Monday, December 9, 2024
  • Special Grand Sponsor gift and MC Swag
  • Athletic Boosters and Patrons of the Arts Membership

    Capital Campaigns

    Capital campaigns help evolve our facilities so that our campus enhances 21st-century learning and student life. In 2020, the first step in our 20-year Internal Vision Plan was completed with the opening of St. Anselm Hall. In 2022, life-science classrooms and labs in the 700 wing were upgraded and modernized. Our next priority is to renovate our science labs to become state-of-the-art learning labs that will impact every student on campus. 

    Directed Gifts

    Directed gifts fund specific programs and initiatives at MC, such as scholarships and other identified areas of need.  Restricted gifts can also be made to specific Athletic teams or to the Art Department, after a gift to the Annual Fund has been made. Please contact Jacqueline Tobe, Director of Advancement, for details at jtobe@marincatholic.org or call 415-464-3843.


    Gifts to the endowment provide for the financial sustainability of MC now and into the future. Earned interest from the principal of this permanently endowed fund ensures tuition costs remain affordable and provides direct relief to families in need of tuition assistance.

    Planned Giving

    Planned gifts provide MC with support in the future and those who have informed MC of their intentions are honored members of our Society Fidei.

    Additional Ways to Participate



    The gift of time and talent is an essential resource for Marin Catholic and makes our community vibrant. There are many opportunities to lend your energy and expertise to our school and we expect all parents to volunteer in some capacity each year. Whether you enjoy helping with community events and fundraisers, supporting drama or music productions, being a team parent, or assisting with Campus Ministry -- there is something special for everyone!

    Patrons of the Arts and/or Athletic Booster

    Members of these specific programs provide direct financial support to the Arts and Athletics. Families can be a Patron of either Athletics or the Arts, or both! Every student participating in the Arts or Athletics benefits from the support that our Patrons of the Arts and our Athletic Boosters provide. Membership to these groups also provides for priority access to events. 

    The Impact of Giving to MC


    86% of families participated in fundraising efforts last year, a remarkable number as nearly 1/3 of our students receive financial aid.

    Parent pledges help MC meet urgent needs such as curricular and professional development and program enhancements in the arts and athletics.

    Annual Fund commitments help us keep tuition increases to a minimum while also providing a tax benefit for the gifted funds.


    Patrons of the Arts benefactors supported 4 live music concerts, featuring 190 students and over 40 different bands.
    80+ actors and backstage crews participated in over 10 live performances including the Spring Musical, The Little Mermaid, the Fall play,  A Delightful Quarantine, Black Box Theater, and MC Live. 
    Over 50 freshman and sophomore Rising Stars showcased their art in shows throughout the year.

    Over 150 jury-selected art entries representing the disciplines of photography, drawing, painting, and ceramics were presented at our annual    Art Extravaganza. 


    Athletic Boosters recently supported our 46 sports teams and student-athletes with:
    New covers for our weight room benches and training room tables. 
    New uniforms for our baseball, softball, volleyball (both girls and boys), and girl’s basketball warm-ups.
    New suits for Willie and Wilma, our treasured Mascots.

    300 Athletic Boosters and Patrons of the Arts members 
    feasted at our annual Crab Feed, which served over 400 pounds of crab.




    Over 80% of our community volunteered and attended community events which raised vital funds, benefiting student programs at every grade level. 

     500+ parents, alumni, and friends attended our 75th Anniversary Auction where over $350,000 alone was raised for capital projects such as gym locker room renovations, renovated student spaces on campus, and technological upgrades in Studio 38.

    Ministries Supporting our Mission

    The Campus Ministry team hosted 10 overnight retreats led by 100 student leaders who devoted more than 600 hours to Faith Formation meetings in preparation. 

    Student leaders led 485 sophomores, juniors, and seniors in class-level retreats

    67 Executive and Big Cats led 12 Big Cat Family meetings that fostered community across all grade levels. 
    Parent Ministry offered ways to grow in faith and community through the Parent Ministry Book Club and Scripture & Faith Sharing groups, including over 20 current and alumni parents.


    Our Annual Fund fills the gap that tuition revenue alone does not cover. Tax deductible contributions to the Annual Fund allow every student program on campus to occur, from helping to fund Athletic team budgets to life-changing student retreats in all grades.
    Grand Sponsor giving is above and beyond Annual Fund contributions and helps underwrite MC events, builds community, and supports student initiatives.
    Special events throughout the year raise funds for programs benefiting our students and provide opportunities for our community to celebrate together. There are many ways to participate – sponsorships, item donations, and your attendance. See the back of this brochure for our 2024-25 Events Calendar.
    Patrons of the Arts and Athletic Boosters memberships are offered at the start of the school year so members may enjoy the full benefits of being a part of these parent groups. Members of these specific programs provide direct financial support to the Arts and Athletics
    Our community thrives when parents and family get involved!  Whether you enjoy helping with community events and fundraisers, supporting drama or music productions, being a team parent, or assisting with Campus Ministry --
     there is something special for everyone!