Senior year witnesses students taking ownership of their own faith journeys through the four day senior Kairos Retreat held at Vallombrosa Retreat Center in Menlo Park. Kairos, Greek for "God’s time", is Marin Catholic’s culminating retreat program encompassing offered to seniors. Seniors attend one of the Kairos retreats, which are offered in the fall, winter, and spring. Kairos is a three night, four-day, student-led retreat. In addition to student leaders, members of the Campus Ministry team, and other faculty and staff members work together to lead the retreat. Leaders meet for weeks prior to the retreat in formation, to organize and prepare for their leadership. During the retreat, students and adult leaders share presentations centered on the key themes of knowing oneself, discovering Jesus in a personal way, recognizing and responding to God's call, and living the message of Christ.
Students spend their time "unplugged" in a beautiful space personally reflecting on their own relationships with God, family, and friends, while listening to talks, responding in journals and small groups, and spending silent time alone in prayer. Students receive Reconciliation and the Holy Eucharist
Other activities during the retreat seek to promote and build community, foster trust, and openness, and encourage reflection. Retreatants are given the gift of time, something all too rare in our modern everyday lives. Kairos establishes trust. Students speak of their joys, hopes, and sorrows in ways new and rewarding to them. Family, friends, faculty and staff all become integral to participants' thoughts and prayers.