Thank you for taking the time to learn more about our proposal to install a field lighting system within our existing athletic stadium. With the addition of four LED light structures around the perimeter of the playing field, our goal is to meet the demand of student athletes by creating a safer and more efficient use of the stadium field for team practices and a limited number of games.
Participation in extracurricular activities, especially interscholastic sports, is an important aspect of the high school experience as it promotes mental health, enhances school spirit, and translates to greater success in the classroom. Yet throughout Marin, there is a tremendous lack of available field space for practices and games given the increased popularity of field sports at all age levels. The need is becoming even greater with the continued growth and success of various female sports. For instance, MC women’s lacrosse and soccer teams have grown, and soon, we may be forming a new women’s flag football team, which is a popular, upcoming sport within the Marin County Athletic League (MCAL).
At MC, our field space problem is particularly acute. All 21 of our outdoor field mens’ and womens’ teams share access to only two fields, which include the athletic stadium and baseball field. This is in comparison to other local high schools where there are between three to five fields/turf areas to spread out their different sports. By relying solely on sunlight, this forces multiple sports at Marin Catholic to use the same field concurrently, negatively impacting the quality and safety of each team’s practice.
As many people know, this issue is not new at MC. We have sought permanent lights in the past. We also have had to bring temporary construction lights to the school during certain winter months to accommodate the student athletes. However, it has become increasingly clear that we need to find a long-term solution while remaining sensitive to our surrounding neighbors.
We look forward to having a collaborative discussion with our community members as we strike the right balance with this application.
The proposal is driven by a lack of field space on the MC campus. Student participation in our sports programs continues to grow, particularly with the rise in female field sports, particularly our womens’ lacrosse program and a new womens’ flag football team being started by MCAL. To meet the student demand for these different sports, lights on the stadium field would provide necessary field access for these various teams to practice and compete.
How is this different from previous MC proposals for field lights?
In previous discussions regarding lights, MC proposed light usage throughout the week until 9pm for practices. We are reducing the scope in direct response to neighbor concerns regarding the hours of light usage. As a result, the vast majority of practices will end by 7:00pm (except for the months of November and February – when there is a brief overlap in sport seasons). This change represents a ~30% reduction in light usage from the last proposal.
Will this increase the intensity of the field usage?
No, the athletic teams will not increase their use of the fields. The lights will allow the school to spread out the times of existing practices and games on campus.
No, the LED light system offers high quality light control that is focused solely on the field of play. There is zero glare or spillover into the neighborhood. These lighting systems have been implemented in countless areas with a recent local example being at San Marin High School.
Noise levels will be comparable to the current practices and games on campus. We do not anticipate increased noise during weekday practices or soccer and lacrosse games given the lower attendance. For select games with larger attendance, like football, this means that the noise from game days would shift from Saturday afternoons to Friday evenings.
Countless student athletes from Marin’s local schools compete on our field. By moving MC-hosted games later, it allows visiting student athletes to attend a full-day of school – rather than leaving class earlier to fit in a game during the sunlight. As an example, MC students benefit in this way from playing AWAY games at San Marin High and San Rafael High. The net effect is that more students will be able to complete a full day of school.
Field lights would allow the school to modify the schedule of existing practices and home games. Some practices and games would start later and Saturday football games would shift to Friday evenings. Parametrix, the County’s leading transportation consultant and local school expert, conducted a transportation study which verified that this change would be “less than significant.” In addition to creating more field time, a benefit of the lights is that some sports would not have to travel offsite for practices, which lessens car trips during peak traffic times.
Does the project include lights at the baseball field?
"Based on the community feedback from previous discussions, this proposal reflects a material reduction (~30%) in the proposed usage of lights. This reduction is created by ending most practices by 7:00pm."